How To Restore Deleted Files On Android Device
Also this article, no need to teach one, who uses computer, because computer is built-in with the software, known as Recycle bin, that collects all the deleted files, on the computer.
Recycle bin on computer, always stores any file that you delete, and allows you to restore the file, or delete it permanrntly.
As Recycle bin does on computer, this application named as Dumpster, does exactly on Android device. It collects any file, that you delete, on its folder, then allows you to back up the file, or delete it permanently.
One of the importances of this application, is that sometimes you delete your files, by mistake, and you cann't able to restore them. When you lost important thing, it must hurt you, and you will need to back up them. We know on computer, deleted files are backed up. Now, on Android device you can restore them.
Follow the below steps entire.
Install Dumpster.
FIRST STEP: Mark And Delete The Files
Before, we restore the files, let's delete them. Here are the files before deleting them.
Let me mark the these five files. Now, i have marked the five files . And tapped the delete.
Now, i tapped Ok, in order to delete them.
As you can see, i have deleted the files. I deleted the files, in order to show you that anything, or any file you delete or application you uninstall, can be restored, using Dumpster application.
Now, let us restore them.
SECOND STEP: Restore The Files After Deleted Them
Go, and open the Dumpster application, and tap Show me how.
Tap that arrow, and re-tap it, until it opens the application.
Now, the application has opened, just tap that drop down box, and select All, in the drop down menu.
Then, it will show you the files, you deleted ealier. So, we're going to restore them. Let me backup them.
Tap the file you want to restore, it will display the file with three options.
Just tap Restore, to restore the file. Tap the delete to delete the file permanently. You can restore any files by tapping the file and re-tap Restore. Through this way, i backed up the entire files, that i deleted ealier.
Let's see are they backed up or no? Here are them.
So, that's, how this application works. You can restore any file that you deleted, but when you delete the file permanently, you lost the file ever on that device, you can only re-gain it, by re-send it back, or re-download it. This application stores any file you deleted, and there's threshold size, when it reaches, it will be stopped from working, until you restore the files, or delete them permanently. Works fine no root requirement. I show you how it works, and i deleted some files, later i backed it up, it think this will help you to find or restore the file you delete by mistakes.
So, that's it guy!!! Dumpster is important application, on Android device, as the importance of Recycle bin, on computer. I hope this article will help you to restore those files that you may delete mistakenly. Please share this post, and tell to your friends about us. Thanks For Visiting. I hope will re-visit this blog time-by-time.
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