Friday, April 26, 2019
VIDEO+MUSIC:- DJ Ab - Kumatu Official video/music
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
MUSIC:- NT4 ft DJ AB - Anatare (Prod by Tubhanimuzik)
Thursday, April 18, 2019
TUTORIAL:- Yanda Ake Bude Email Address A Yahoo
Yanda Ake Bude Sabon Email Na Yahoo
Abaya munyi bayani, akan yanda ake bude Gmail, kuma mun nuna yanda ake verification nashi, harma muntura masa sako, amma gamasu aiki da symbian. Kodayake harma masu aiki da Android dinma, munyi musu bayanin yanda ake bude Gmail, to shine muka yanke shawarar nuna muku yanda ake bude Yahoo Mail cikin sauki.
Gaskiya, bude Yahoo Mail bashida wata wahala, amma ga masu aiki da wayar Android, domin cikin minti hudu zaka iya gama komai da komai, harda verification nashi. Saide ina baka shawara wajen password, kayi amfani da password maikarfi(strong password), sannan kuma kasaka recovery email da recovery phone number.
Shima Yahoo Mail yanada nashi amfanin, kamar yanda mukayi bayanin amfanin Gmail, saide shi Yahoo Mail baikai gmail tsaroba, amma shima yanada tsaro sosai, tunda daga Gmail saishi afannin tsaro, acikin kamfanin email dana sani a duniya.
Inaga Yahoo Mail, kusan shine email na biyu damutane sukafi aiki dashi bayan email na kamfanin Google wato Gmail. Shima ana amfani dashi wajen saka website a searching engine, amma saide a Bing ko Yahoo akesawa, yayinda shikuma gmail kawai a Google ake aiki dashi.
Abubuwan Da'ake Bukata
Kakaranta wannan tutorial din gaba daya.
Kasaukar da application na Yahoo.
Ga Yanda Akeyi
Dafarko, kayi downloading na wannan application din, sakayi installing nashi. Idan kagama installing nashi, sai kabude wannan application din, zakaga yanuna maka YAHOO! MAIL atsakiya, sai kayi kasa kashiga inda aka rubuta Create a Yahoo account.
Daga nan zaikaika gurin Sign up, wato wajen bude sabon account kenan. Saikasa sunanka, agurin rubutu na farko, misali Nura. Gurin rubutu na biyu kuma kasa sunan mahaifinka, kokuma wani suna daban, misali Mahdi. Sannan kasa sunan dakakeso yazama shine adreshin email dinnaka, misali kasa nura.mahdi, kenan zaizama Saikuma gurin saka password, shima kasa password naka, amma yanadakyau kasa password mai karfi. Daga nan kuma saikasa lambar wayarka, agurin saka lambar waya kusada ita zakaga, Country code, wanda +234, amma ga mutanen Nigeria. Daga nan kuma sai kazabi watan da'aka haifeka, misali May. Gaba dashi kadan kasa nawa gawata aka aifeka, misali 05, sannan kazabi awace shekara aka aifaka misali 1995. Kana gama cike wa'annan gurin, sai kazabi jinsinka wato namiji ko mace Male namiji, dakuma Female mace. Sannan kayi kasa kadanna Continue.
Daga nan zatakaika gurin da zakayi verifying na account naka. Daga can sama zakaga lambar wayarka, saikaduba kasa kadanna inda aka rubuta Text me an Account key.
Daga nan, zasu turo maka sako ta cikin layinka, saikazo kabude wannan sakon, ka kwafo wannan lambobi dasuka turo maka, sai kadawo cikin application na Yahoo din kasasu, saika danna Verify shikenan. Kana gama Verify din, zasu nuna maka sakon congratulation, wato suna tayaka murnar bude sabon email nasu. Daga nan zatakaika cikin email naka, kuma zakaga wasu sakonni.
Bayanin Kammalawa
Yana dakyau bayan kazabi sunan adreshin email, idan sukace ma akwai mai wannan sunan to kakara wasu lambobi. Misali kazabi nura.mahdi idan akwai mai wannan sunan sai kakara wasu lambobi kamar nura.mahdi223 kuma gurin lambobin sirrin wato password, kayi amfani alamomin rubutu wato Symbols wanda ake kiransu da Special characters, saboda yanzu akwai azzaluman mutane, da suke mugunta suna kwacewa mutane email nasu. Amma idan kasa lambbobin sirri mai wahala ganewa, to zaka samu tsaro cikin ikon Allah.
Yana dakyau, bayan kagama bude sabon adreshin Yahoomail, kabude kaje kasa Recovery email. Recovery email wani email ne dazaka saka, koda wannan email din naka yasamu matsala zaka iyaseta komai, ta hanyar amfani da shi.
Sannan akwai Recovery number, nan shima duk lambar dakasa, da ita zakayi amfani wajen dawoda account naka, koda kamanta password ne.
Nan shine karshe wannan tutorial din, akan yanda ake bude yahoomail. Sannan kuma kuna iya temaka mana, ta duk inda kukaga munyi kuskure. Domin kowane mutum yakanyi kuskure, kuma kuna iya turomana naku tutorial din, domin mukaru dukkanmu, wasuma sukaru daku, damu baki daya, haka shine agudu tare atsira tare.
Sannan karkuma manta, kuna iya ajiye comment naku, a wajen comment da aka kebe akarkashin kowane darasi, dakuka karanta a wannan shafin. Sannan muna bukatar kutemaka kutura wannan darasin ga 'yan uwa, da abokan arziki, kota dandalin sada zumunta na Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram dasauransu. Mungode, sai mun hadu a darasi nagaba, kuhuta lafiya, sai anjima.
Abaya munyi bayani, akan yanda ake bude Gmail, kuma mun nuna yanda ake verification nashi, harma muntura masa sako, amma gamasu aiki da symbian. Kodayake harma masu aiki da Android dinma, munyi musu bayanin yanda ake bude Gmail, to shine muka yanke shawarar nuna muku yanda ake bude Yahoo Mail cikin sauki.
Gaskiya, bude Yahoo Mail bashida wata wahala, amma ga masu aiki da wayar Android, domin cikin minti hudu zaka iya gama komai da komai, harda verification nashi. Saide ina baka shawara wajen password, kayi amfani da password maikarfi(strong password), sannan kuma kasaka recovery email da recovery phone number.
Shima Yahoo Mail yanada nashi amfanin, kamar yanda mukayi bayanin amfanin Gmail, saide shi Yahoo Mail baikai gmail tsaroba, amma shima yanada tsaro sosai, tunda daga Gmail saishi afannin tsaro, acikin kamfanin email dana sani a duniya.
Inaga Yahoo Mail, kusan shine email na biyu damutane sukafi aiki dashi bayan email na kamfanin Google wato Gmail. Shima ana amfani dashi wajen saka website a searching engine, amma saide a Bing ko Yahoo akesawa, yayinda shikuma gmail kawai a Google ake aiki dashi.
Abubuwan Da'ake Bukata
Kakaranta wannan tutorial din gaba daya.
Kasaukar da application na Yahoo.
Ga Yanda Akeyi
Dafarko, kayi downloading na wannan application din, sakayi installing nashi. Idan kagama installing nashi, sai kabude wannan application din, zakaga yanuna maka YAHOO! MAIL atsakiya, sai kayi kasa kashiga inda aka rubuta Create a Yahoo account.
Daga nan zaikaika gurin Sign up, wato wajen bude sabon account kenan. Saikasa sunanka, agurin rubutu na farko, misali Nura. Gurin rubutu na biyu kuma kasa sunan mahaifinka, kokuma wani suna daban, misali Mahdi. Sannan kasa sunan dakakeso yazama shine adreshin email dinnaka, misali kasa nura.mahdi, kenan zaizama Saikuma gurin saka password, shima kasa password naka, amma yanadakyau kasa password mai karfi. Daga nan kuma saikasa lambar wayarka, agurin saka lambar waya kusada ita zakaga, Country code, wanda +234, amma ga mutanen Nigeria. Daga nan kuma sai kazabi watan da'aka haifeka, misali May. Gaba dashi kadan kasa nawa gawata aka aifeka, misali 05, sannan kazabi awace shekara aka aifaka misali 1995. Kana gama cike wa'annan gurin, sai kazabi jinsinka wato namiji ko mace Male namiji, dakuma Female mace. Sannan kayi kasa kadanna Continue.
Daga nan zatakaika gurin da zakayi verifying na account naka. Daga can sama zakaga lambar wayarka, saikaduba kasa kadanna inda aka rubuta Text me an Account key.
Daga nan, zasu turo maka sako ta cikin layinka, saikazo kabude wannan sakon, ka kwafo wannan lambobi dasuka turo maka, sai kadawo cikin application na Yahoo din kasasu, saika danna Verify shikenan. Kana gama Verify din, zasu nuna maka sakon congratulation, wato suna tayaka murnar bude sabon email nasu. Daga nan zatakaika cikin email naka, kuma zakaga wasu sakonni.
Bayanin Kammalawa
Yana dakyau bayan kazabi sunan adreshin email, idan sukace ma akwai mai wannan sunan to kakara wasu lambobi. Misali kazabi nura.mahdi idan akwai mai wannan sunan sai kakara wasu lambobi kamar nura.mahdi223 kuma gurin lambobin sirrin wato password, kayi amfani alamomin rubutu wato Symbols wanda ake kiransu da Special characters, saboda yanzu akwai azzaluman mutane, da suke mugunta suna kwacewa mutane email nasu. Amma idan kasa lambbobin sirri mai wahala ganewa, to zaka samu tsaro cikin ikon Allah.
Yana dakyau, bayan kagama bude sabon adreshin Yahoomail, kabude kaje kasa Recovery email. Recovery email wani email ne dazaka saka, koda wannan email din naka yasamu matsala zaka iyaseta komai, ta hanyar amfani da shi.
Sannan akwai Recovery number, nan shima duk lambar dakasa, da ita zakayi amfani wajen dawoda account naka, koda kamanta password ne.
Nan shine karshe wannan tutorial din, akan yanda ake bude yahoomail. Sannan kuma kuna iya temaka mana, ta duk inda kukaga munyi kuskure. Domin kowane mutum yakanyi kuskure, kuma kuna iya turomana naku tutorial din, domin mukaru dukkanmu, wasuma sukaru daku, damu baki daya, haka shine agudu tare atsira tare.
Sannan karkuma manta, kuna iya ajiye comment naku, a wajen comment da aka kebe akarkashin kowane darasi, dakuka karanta a wannan shafin. Sannan muna bukatar kutemaka kutura wannan darasin ga 'yan uwa, da abokan arziki, kota dandalin sada zumunta na Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram dasauransu. Mungode, sai mun hadu a darasi nagaba, kuhuta lafiya, sai anjima.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
TUTORIAL:- How To Restore Deleted Files On Android Device
How To Restore Deleted Files On Android Device
Also this article, no need to teach one, who uses computer, because computer is built-in with the software, known as Recycle bin, that collects all the deleted files, on the computer.
Recycle bin on computer, always stores any file that you delete, and allows you to restore the file, or delete it permanrntly.
As Recycle bin does on computer, this application named as Dumpster, does exactly on Android device. It collects any file, that you delete, on its folder, then allows you to back up the file, or delete it permanently.
One of the importances of this application, is that sometimes you delete your files, by mistake, and you cann't able to restore them. When you lost important thing, it must hurt you, and you will need to back up them. We know on computer, deleted files are backed up. Now, on Android device you can restore them.
Follow the below steps entire.
Install Dumpster.
FIRST STEP: Mark And Delete The Files
Before, we restore the files, let's delete them. Here are the files before deleting them.
Let me mark the these five files. Now, i have marked the five files . And tapped the delete.
Now, i tapped Ok, in order to delete them.
As you can see, i have deleted the files. I deleted the files, in order to show you that anything, or any file you delete or application you uninstall, can be restored, using Dumpster application.
Now, let us restore them.
SECOND STEP: Restore The Files After Deleted Them
Go, and open the Dumpster application, and tap Show me how.
Tap that arrow, and re-tap it, until it opens the application.
Now, the application has opened, just tap that drop down box, and select All, in the drop down menu.
Then, it will show you the files, you deleted ealier. So, we're going to restore them. Let me backup them.
Tap the file you want to restore, it will display the file with three options.
Just tap Restore, to restore the file. Tap the delete to delete the file permanently. You can restore any files by tapping the file and re-tap Restore. Through this way, i backed up the entire files, that i deleted ealier.
Let's see are they backed up or no? Here are them.
So, that's, how this application works. You can restore any file that you deleted, but when you delete the file permanently, you lost the file ever on that device, you can only re-gain it, by re-send it back, or re-download it. This application stores any file you deleted, and there's threshold size, when it reaches, it will be stopped from working, until you restore the files, or delete them permanently. Works fine no root requirement. I show you how it works, and i deleted some files, later i backed it up, it think this will help you to find or restore the file you delete by mistakes.
So, that's it guy!!! Dumpster is important application, on Android device, as the importance of Recycle bin, on computer. I hope this article will help you to restore those files that you may delete mistakenly. Please share this post, and tell to your friends about us. Thanks For Visiting. I hope will re-visit this blog time-by-time.
Also this article, no need to teach one, who uses computer, because computer is built-in with the software, known as Recycle bin, that collects all the deleted files, on the computer.
Recycle bin on computer, always stores any file that you delete, and allows you to restore the file, or delete it permanrntly.
As Recycle bin does on computer, this application named as Dumpster, does exactly on Android device. It collects any file, that you delete, on its folder, then allows you to back up the file, or delete it permanently.
One of the importances of this application, is that sometimes you delete your files, by mistake, and you cann't able to restore them. When you lost important thing, it must hurt you, and you will need to back up them. We know on computer, deleted files are backed up. Now, on Android device you can restore them.
Follow the below steps entire.
Install Dumpster.
FIRST STEP: Mark And Delete The Files
Before, we restore the files, let's delete them. Here are the files before deleting them.
Let me mark the these five files. Now, i have marked the five files . And tapped the delete.
Now, i tapped Ok, in order to delete them.
As you can see, i have deleted the files. I deleted the files, in order to show you that anything, or any file you delete or application you uninstall, can be restored, using Dumpster application.
Now, let us restore them.
SECOND STEP: Restore The Files After Deleted Them
Go, and open the Dumpster application, and tap Show me how.
Tap that arrow, and re-tap it, until it opens the application.
Now, the application has opened, just tap that drop down box, and select All, in the drop down menu.
Then, it will show you the files, you deleted ealier. So, we're going to restore them. Let me backup them.
Tap the file you want to restore, it will display the file with three options.
Just tap Restore, to restore the file. Tap the delete to delete the file permanently. You can restore any files by tapping the file and re-tap Restore. Through this way, i backed up the entire files, that i deleted ealier.
Let's see are they backed up or no? Here are them.
So, that's, how this application works. You can restore any file that you deleted, but when you delete the file permanently, you lost the file ever on that device, you can only re-gain it, by re-send it back, or re-download it. This application stores any file you deleted, and there's threshold size, when it reaches, it will be stopped from working, until you restore the files, or delete them permanently. Works fine no root requirement. I show you how it works, and i deleted some files, later i backed it up, it think this will help you to find or restore the file you delete by mistakes.
So, that's it guy!!! Dumpster is important application, on Android device, as the importance of Recycle bin, on computer. I hope this article will help you to restore those files that you may delete mistakenly. Please share this post, and tell to your friends about us. Thanks For Visiting. I hope will re-visit this blog time-by-time.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Yanda Zakayi Browsing Kyauta A Layin MTN
Yanda Zakuyi Free Browsing a Layin MTN
Ta Hanyar Amfani Da 24clan VPN Pro 100mb A Kowace Rana
Assalamu'alaikum Barkan Mu da wannan lokaci bayan haka, Ayau muna tafe da Sabon VPN wanda zai baku damar kowace rana zakuyi Browsing har adadin 100mb A kowace rana.
Da farko kuje Google Playstore kuyi download na 24clan VPN Pro
Danna Link Dake Anan Qasa domin Saukowa Dashi Izuwa Wayarku
Bayan Kun sauke Manhajar 24clan VPN Pro A wayar ku saiku budeshi, bayan ya bude zakuga Wani Guri Inda Aka rubuta
{None} kamar yanda yake a hoton nan
Saiku Latsa shi zai fiddo muku servers dayawa na mtn kamar haka.
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server 2
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server 3
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server 4,
saiku zabi
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server 2
Ku danna (Connect) kamar yanda yake a hoton nan
sannan kujira na tsawon 30second zakuga dan Makulli wato alamar (key) a can saman wayar ku.
to da kunga ya fito saikuyi minimize na 24clan VPN Pro kuci gaba da browsing
Idan kukaci adadin 50mb to zai tsaya ma'ana yabar browsing din gabaki daya kunga kenan acikin
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server 2
kaci adadin datarka ta yau kenan
to saika chanza zuwa
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server
ma'ana server ta farko itama tana Dauke da 50mb to anan ma saika danna (Connect) zakuga yayi connected, alamar Dan Makulli (key) yafito sake fitowa a saman wayar ku. shima saikuyi minimize ku cigaba da abinda kukeyi.
Fatan Zaku kasance da kungiyar 24clan Team,
Duk Abunda Baku ganeba Zaku iya yin comment ko ku Tuntubemu Ta WhatsApp a wannan Number 09021664821
Ta Hanyar Amfani Da 24clan VPN Pro 100mb A Kowace Rana
Assalamu'alaikum Barkan Mu da wannan lokaci bayan haka, Ayau muna tafe da Sabon VPN wanda zai baku damar kowace rana zakuyi Browsing har adadin 100mb A kowace rana.
Da farko kuje Google Playstore kuyi download na 24clan VPN Pro
Danna Link Dake Anan Qasa domin Saukowa Dashi Izuwa Wayarku
Bayan Kun sauke Manhajar 24clan VPN Pro A wayar ku saiku budeshi, bayan ya bude zakuga Wani Guri Inda Aka rubuta
{None} kamar yanda yake a hoton nan
Saiku Latsa shi zai fiddo muku servers dayawa na mtn kamar haka.
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server 2
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server 3
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server 4,
saiku zabi
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server 2
Kamar yanda yake a photon nan
Ku danna (Connect) kamar yanda yake a hoton nan
sannan kujira na tsawon 30second zakuga dan Makulli wato alamar (key) a can saman wayar ku.
to da kunga ya fito saikuyi minimize na 24clan VPN Pro kuci gaba da browsing
Idan kukaci adadin 50mb to zai tsaya ma'ana yabar browsing din gabaki daya kunga kenan acikin
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server 2
kaci adadin datarka ta yau kenan
to saika chanza zuwa
New MTN 0.0kb Tweak Server
ma'ana server ta farko itama tana Dauke da 50mb to anan ma saika danna (Connect) zakuga yayi connected, alamar Dan Makulli (key) yafito sake fitowa a saman wayar ku. shima saikuyi minimize ku cigaba da abinda kukeyi.
Fatan Zaku kasance da kungiyar 24clan Team,
Duk Abunda Baku ganeba Zaku iya yin comment ko ku Tuntubemu Ta WhatsApp a wannan Number 09021664821
Abbah Kokomerh 📝
Monday, April 15, 2019
Tutorial:- How To Move Installed Application From Playstore To SD Card On Android Device
How To Move Installed Application From Playstore To SdCard On Android Device
Playstore, also known as Google play, is the biggest place, where you can get any kind of applications, games, launchers, wallpapers, and widgets, you want, that you can download, and install on your Android device. Once, you have installed the application, from Playstore, you may notice, that the installed application is only placed on the ROM, not on your external storage. Sometime, you would need to store the application, in your external storage, but you don't know, how to do. So in this tutorial, we are going to learn, how to do it, simple, and easy.
Rooted device.
Download MoveToSd.apk.
Follow the steps below.
Installed any application on your device.
In this tutorial, i'm going to move, or backup, the application called English, it's a dictionary.
FIRST STEP: Download And Install The MoveToSd.apk
First of all, download, and install. the application named as MoveToSd.apk, on your device, from the given link above. This application requires root permission, whenever you open it, or whenever you're using with it. So, if it requires root permission, just allow it, by tapping grant it, or Authorize.
SECOND STEP: Open It And Backup The Installed Application
Now, since we have installed the application, the next thing, we are going to do, is to backup the installed application to our SDCARD. To do that, just open the MoveToSd.apk, and tap the arrow, which is located at the top bar, by the left side.
It will bring the options, shortly by the left side. Just, in the list click on User app.
And it will then, take you to the place, where you can see, all the installed applications, and games are located, on your device. Any application, or game, has check box, by the next to it. Just check anyone, that you need to backup, or move to external storage, then scroll down, and tap Backup.
After, you finished with the above process, it will start backing up the application, just wait it, as shorter as 10seconds.
The application, has now backed up, or has moved off, to your SDCARD.
Now, we have through, with any process, the only thing remains, is to access, that backed up, application. To do that, go to your SDCARD, and look for folder, named as jumobile open it, and re-open the backup folder, you can see it there.
CONCLUSION: When, you are on the page, that you can check, or mark, on the application, you needed to backup, i recommend you to backup them one-by-one, or one after the other. because, I had tried to backup, atleast three applications, in one time, but it denied. Through this application you can back up, any application, that you had uninstalled, mistakenly.
So that's it!!! Here is the end, of this tutorial, I wish my tutorials, will be helped you. Please share it to your friends, and partners. You can feel free to drop, your comment to ask something, or correct me, what i made incorrect. Thanks For Visiting. See you next time.
Playstore, also known as Google play, is the biggest place, where you can get any kind of applications, games, launchers, wallpapers, and widgets, you want, that you can download, and install on your Android device. Once, you have installed the application, from Playstore, you may notice, that the installed application is only placed on the ROM, not on your external storage. Sometime, you would need to store the application, in your external storage, but you don't know, how to do. So in this tutorial, we are going to learn, how to do it, simple, and easy.
Rooted device.
Download MoveToSd.apk.
Follow the steps below.
Installed any application on your device.
In this tutorial, i'm going to move, or backup, the application called English, it's a dictionary.
FIRST STEP: Download And Install The MoveToSd.apk
First of all, download, and install. the application named as MoveToSd.apk, on your device, from the given link above. This application requires root permission, whenever you open it, or whenever you're using with it. So, if it requires root permission, just allow it, by tapping grant it, or Authorize.
SECOND STEP: Open It And Backup The Installed Application
Now, since we have installed the application, the next thing, we are going to do, is to backup the installed application to our SDCARD. To do that, just open the MoveToSd.apk, and tap the arrow, which is located at the top bar, by the left side.
It will bring the options, shortly by the left side. Just, in the list click on User app.
And it will then, take you to the place, where you can see, all the installed applications, and games are located, on your device. Any application, or game, has check box, by the next to it. Just check anyone, that you need to backup, or move to external storage, then scroll down, and tap Backup.
After, you finished with the above process, it will start backing up the application, just wait it, as shorter as 10seconds.
The application, has now backed up, or has moved off, to your SDCARD.
Now, we have through, with any process, the only thing remains, is to access, that backed up, application. To do that, go to your SDCARD, and look for folder, named as jumobile open it, and re-open the backup folder, you can see it there.
CONCLUSION: When, you are on the page, that you can check, or mark, on the application, you needed to backup, i recommend you to backup them one-by-one, or one after the other. because, I had tried to backup, atleast three applications, in one time, but it denied. Through this application you can back up, any application, that you had uninstalled, mistakenly.
So that's it!!! Here is the end, of this tutorial, I wish my tutorials, will be helped you. Please share it to your friends, and partners. You can feel free to drop, your comment to ask something, or correct me, what i made incorrect. Thanks For Visiting. See you next time.
Game:-How To Patch Game And Get Unlimited Coins On Android Device
How To Patch Game And Get Unlimited Coins On Android Device
Patching of game is another way, which allows gamers to unlock all stages, in the game, without scoring coin. When you enjoy playing games, you will notice, that there are stages, that need bunch of coins, before they can be unlocked. Getting the bunch of coins, can not do in short time, or in one play, or two play. Just you can unlock them, when you took atleast 1 weeks playing the game.
You can unlock any where, you want to unlock on the game without scoring the much coins, by just following this tutorial.
In this article, i'm going to test on Subway, and verify it later, by playing the game and unlock one player.
Rooted device.
Install Lucky Patcher.
Install Subway Surb game.
Follow the steps entire.
FIRST STEP: Download And Install The Apps
Before, we going to further, in this tutorial, you should make sure, that you had rooted your device. You need to download, and install the Lucky Patcher application, and one game. Here, I will show you the demo, with this familiar game, that is Subway Surb. So, you have to booking them, in your device.
SECOND STEP: Patch The Game And Install It
When, you have finished, with the above step. Open Lucky Patcher, and grant root permission, by tapping Grant it, or Authorize, in some devices.
Then, it will display, all applications, and games, that you had installed, on your device, just swipe and tap Subway.
It will display, the short menu, then scroll down a bit, and tap Menu Of Patches.
Other short menu, will pop-up, just tap Create Modified APK File.
The short menu, will re-pop-up, just tap APK Rebuilt For InApp And LVL Emulation.
Just scroll, and tap Rebuild The App.
It will start patching the application... Just keep waiting, unless it finishes.
When it finishes, just tap Go to file.
It will display the short menu, tap Install, in the list.
It will ask you, that Do you really want to install Subway Surb?. Just tap Yes.
Please wait it, while it is installing the new patched game.
YAWN!!! Our patched game has been succesfully installed. Just tap OK.
Now, Open the game, but i recommend you to exit, or quit, or miniminze the Lucky Patcher.
THIRD STEP: Confirming The Patching By Play The Game
Now, tap menu, and open the Subway. Wait it, while it is loading.
To confirm your game, either it has been patched, or no, just tap Me.
Swipe the players, from right to left, in order to choose the players, that do not play, until you have hundred thousand of coins. Now, I will confirm by selecting Brody who can unlock, when you have atleast 350000 coins. Just tap the price of the player, that is 350000, to unlock it.
It will show you the some details, just tap Buy.
It will load for 5seconds, and shows you 3 check boxes, just check the second box, that is Save Purchase For Restore.
Once, you checked the second box, just tap Yes.
It will return you, to the players store, just re-tap the price of the player, that is 350000.
When you re-tapped the player's cost it will then unlock it. Now you unlocked Brody player.
Let us play it, just tap Menu, and then play the game, with Brody player, that you have unlocked.
So, that's it!! You can patch any game, and unlock the entire stages, without having lots of coins. Using this application, you can manage your application, and reduce how your application consuming data bundle, when you switched on, the mobile data. I hope this tutorial helped you, if so, please, share it to your friends, and tell them about this website. Thanks For Visit our Site..
Patching of game is another way, which allows gamers to unlock all stages, in the game, without scoring coin. When you enjoy playing games, you will notice, that there are stages, that need bunch of coins, before they can be unlocked. Getting the bunch of coins, can not do in short time, or in one play, or two play. Just you can unlock them, when you took atleast 1 weeks playing the game.
You can unlock any where, you want to unlock on the game without scoring the much coins, by just following this tutorial.
In this article, i'm going to test on Subway, and verify it later, by playing the game and unlock one player.
Rooted device.
Install Lucky Patcher.
Install Subway Surb game.
Follow the steps entire.
FIRST STEP: Download And Install The Apps
Before, we going to further, in this tutorial, you should make sure, that you had rooted your device. You need to download, and install the Lucky Patcher application, and one game. Here, I will show you the demo, with this familiar game, that is Subway Surb. So, you have to booking them, in your device.
SECOND STEP: Patch The Game And Install It
When, you have finished, with the above step. Open Lucky Patcher, and grant root permission, by tapping Grant it, or Authorize, in some devices.
It will start patching the application... Just keep waiting, unless it finishes.
YAWN!!! Our patched game has been succesfully installed. Just tap OK.
THIRD STEP: Confirming The Patching By Play The Game
Now, tap menu, and open the Subway. Wait it, while it is loading.
When you re-tapped the player's cost it will then unlock it. Now you unlocked Brody player.
So, that's it!! You can patch any game, and unlock the entire stages, without having lots of coins. Using this application, you can manage your application, and reduce how your application consuming data bundle, when you switched on, the mobile data. I hope this tutorial helped you, if so, please, share it to your friends, and tell them about this website. Thanks For Visit our Site..
Tutorial:- How To Download YouTube Video Using Opera Mini On Android Device
How To Download YouTube Video Using Opera Mini On Android Device
As we know, it's so hard to some of internet users, to download YouTube videos, on their devices, but, i know it's a piece of cake, for some users, and experts, who had done it many times, using differents methods.
It's so simple, to download any video on YouTube, through Opera Mini, and you can download them, for free into your device's internal and external storage.
In this article, i'm going to show you, how to download any video, that you see on YouTube website.
I'm going to download the video called as How to make logo in PixelLab. This video was uploaded by the expert, or we say tutorial channel, named as Crazy Tricks, that channel always provides newest, and latest tutorials, in video graphed, as well as the links, that you can download the requirement tools.
Follow the below steps entire.
Knowledge on copy and paste.
Install Opera Mini browser.
Install Official YouTube application.
FIRST STEP: Copy The URL Of The Video
Firstly, we need to have the URL of a particular video, that we want to download. Thus, in order for us to get the video's URL, we need to install both applications, and open the official YouTube application, and hover to the video, you want to download. In my case, i will download that video named as How to make logo in PixelLab. So tap the video, you want to download.
When, you tapped the video, it will start playing automatically. Just pause it, while it is playing and tap Share.
It will display the social sharings options, just tap that square like icon, in order to copy the URL.
Now, we have copied the the URL of the video, that we want to download. Then later we'll use it on Opera Mini to download the video.
We have now finished, with the first step, and then we'll move to the other, and last step of downloading methods.
SECOND STEP: Paste The URL And Download The Video
Now, exit or minimize the YouTube application, and open the Opera Mini. When you open the Opera Mini, just tap URL address bar, and type
Then paste the URL you copied at YouTube, by holding the address bar, it will show Paste, just tap it and then hit Go.
As you through with the above steps, it will take you to the, with the preview of the video. To download it, just tap Mp4 that beside 720.
It will pop up, just tap Download, it will start downloading the video.
So, that's it!!! Now, we have finished the tutorial. Just wait it to download the video, you can access the video in the Download folder, on your sdcard.
Now, I have shown you the process, that you can follow to download any video on YouTube, for free on your mobile or device. You can drop your comment(s), in the comment section below. Please share this article to your friends, and partners, and invite them, to connect with us, and help each other, on what we know. Thanks For Visiting Our Blog. We wish See you next time..
Friday, April 12, 2019
FREE AIRTIME:- Yanda Zaka Samu Kudi A Facebook ko WhatsApp Ba Tareda Ka Cire Ko Naira Ba
Yanda Zaka Samu Kudi A Facebook ko WhatsApp Ba Tareda Ka Cire Ko Naira Ba
Assalamu alaikum kamar yanda muka saba kawo muku abubuwan Da ya shafi kimiyya da Fasaha Da Samun Free Recharge card Na layukan Nigeria daga AIRTEL MTN GLO ETISALAT harda Free MB to Yau Ina tafiye mukune Tareda Yanda Zaku samu Kudi Free Batare da Koda Naira 1 Ba ,
To bazan cikaku da surutu Ba
Zan fara muku bayani ,🔰
Da darko ka tabbata kanada
''Email Address''
''Number waya"
Sai kushiga wannan Link din Ku saukar da wannan application din
Bayan kun saukar ga yanda zakuyi
Kawai Ku duba yanda nayi a Hotunan nan Shine mafi sauki
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Idan kuka shiga zakuga kamar haka
Ku shiga Ku kalli bidiyon nan Nayi screen_record
Assalamu alaikum kamar yanda muka saba kawo muku abubuwan Da ya shafi kimiyya da Fasaha Da Samun Free Recharge card Na layukan Nigeria daga AIRTEL MTN GLO ETISALAT harda Free MB to Yau Ina tafiye mukune Tareda Yanda Zaku samu Kudi Free Batare da Koda Naira 1 Ba ,
To bazan cikaku da surutu Ba
Zan fara muku bayani ,🔰
Da darko ka tabbata kanada
''Email Address''
''Number waya"
Sai kushiga wannan Link din Ku saukar da wannan application din
Bayan kun saukar ga yanda zakuyi
Kawai Ku duba yanda nayi a Hotunan nan Shine mafi sauki
Ku danna wajenda nayi Mark da Blue Stick
Wato Download and withdrawn money
Zai kaiku play store kamar haka
Sai Ku danna Install kamar yanda nayi Mark shima zai fara loading kamar haka
Bayan ya gama zakuga ya nuna muku open kamar haka
Idan kuka shiga zakuga kamar haka
Idan kukayi click zakuga wajen register
Thursday, April 11, 2019
MUSIC:- Morell - The One
Download & Enjoy Do
Sunday, April 7, 2019
BUHARI:- Yan Najeria Basuyi Min Adalci Ba Akan Kisan Zamfara - Inji Buhari
Shugaba Muhammadu Buhari ya bara kan kashe-kashen da ake fama da shi a jihar Zamfara, inda ya mayar da martani ga masu zangar-zangar Allah-wadai da al'amarin. Buhari ya ce kare dukiyoyi da rayukan 'yan Najeriya su ne abin da ya saka a gaba a kodayaushe, saboda haka rashin adalci ne a ce bai damu da abin da yake faruwa ba. Yana wannan batu ne daga yankin Gabas Ta Tsakiya, inda yake amsa gayyatar wasu sarakunan Larabawa don shiga taron tattalin arziki na duniya. "Shashanci ne da rashin adalci a ce ban damu da abin da yake faruwa ba a Jihar Zamfara ko kuma a ce ba na yin komai game da lamarin," Buhari ya wallafa a shafinsa na Twitter. Ya kara da cewa "kare dukiyoyi da rayukan 'yan Najeriya su ne abin da na saka a gaba a kodayaushe. Babu wani abu da ya sha gaban haka." Ya ci gaba da cewa: "A shirye muke don kawo karshen wadannan tambadaddun 'yan bindiga. Mun tura jami'an tsaro zuwa lungu da sako inda abin ke faruwa kuma muna kara azama. "A kodayaushe ina samun bayanai daga jami'an tsaro a kan abin da ke faruwa a kasa baki daya. Ina tabbatar maku cewa za mu ci gaba da yin iyakar kokarinmu don karfafa wa jam'ian tsaro gwiwa su tunkari lamarin da karfin da ya dace". A cewar shugaban "Ina so in jawo hankalin 'yan Najeriya da kada su siyasantar da wannan al'amari na Zamfara. Ta yaya zan kawar da kai daga wannan kashe-kashen rashin imani na 'yan kasata da kuma halin ni-'ya-su da suka samu kansu a ciki? "Bari in kuma mika sakon ta'aziyyarmu ga wadanda abin ya shafa da kuma 'yan uwansu da masoyansu. Muna jin abin da kuke ji kuma babu abin da ya fi muhimmanci a wurina sama da in ga an kawo karshen wadannan 'yan fashi", in ji Shugaba Muhammadu Buhari. A karshen makon nan ne 'yan Najeriya na ciki da wajen kasar suka yi zanga-zangar nuna Allah-wadai da halin da jihar Zamfara ke ciki. Sun zargi Shugaba Buhari da nuna halin-ko-in-kula da kuma yin kira da ya dauki matakin gaggawa, ciki har da ayyana dokar ta-baci a jihar.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
VIDEO:- Kalli Yanda Aka Kama Waenda Suka Sace Sheikh Ahmad Sulaiman
Hukumar tsaro sun ci nasara da kame ‘yan ta’adda da suka sace Sheikh Ahmad Sulaiman Kalli videon A kasa 👇
Friday, April 5, 2019
SIYASA:- Yanda Salon Abba Gida Gida Ya Yarikita Siyasar Jihar Kano
Masu iya magana na cewa siyasar Kano sai Kano,
kuma a ko da yaushe ta kan zo da wani abu sabo, kamar yadda a bana salon Abba gida-gida da makamantansa suka hadu a yunkurin 'yan hamayya na kifar da jam'iyyar APC mai mulki.
Masu sharhi da dama sun yi hasashen Gwamna Abdullahi Umar Ganduje zai samu wa'adi na biyu cikin sauki ganin yadda rikici ya dabaibaye jam'iyyar adawa ta PDP da kuma tsagin Kwankwasiyya wadanda su ne manyan masu adawa da gwamnan karkashin jagorancin mutumin da ya gada Sanata Rabi'u Musa Kwankwaso.
Amma sai ga wankin hula ya kai APC da Ganduje dare, inda aka tafi zagaye na biyu, kuma PDP ta kasance a gaba da ratar kuri'a 26,655. Kafin daga bisani INEC ta bayyana APC a matsayin waccee ta lashe zagaye na biyun da tazarar kuri'a 8,982 jumulla.
Thursday, April 4, 2019
MUSIC:- Ghali Feat Kiss Daniel - Fuck You Challenge
Ghali Gh fell for Kiss Daniel fuck You challenge so he just have to rush to the studio to release his version. Always visit this site for more updates about Ghali. Download
Please show him some love by Share this to your friends thanks
Please show him some love by Share this to your friends thanks
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Buhari ya mayar da martani kan zaben cike gurbi na Kano
Dumbin mutane da kungiyoyi, sun yi ta bayyana ra'ayoyi daban-daban kan sakamakon zaben gwamnan na Kano, inda wasu suka kalubalanci shugaban kasa Muhammadu Buhari da yin shiru ga zarge-zargen amfani da 'yan daba da tarzoma musamman a zaben cike-gibin da aka yi.
Wata kungiyar matasan jam'iyyar APC ta Muhammadu Buhari ma ta fito tana kira ga uwar jam'iyyar a kan ta gudanar da bincike da nufin hukunta masu hannu cikin abubuwan da suka faru.
Malam Garba Shehu, shi ne mai magana da yawun shugaba Buhari, ga kuma karin bayanin da ya yi wa Yusuf Ibrahim Yakasai a wata hirar da suka yi kan batun.
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